
How to Cite

Nurmila, N. (2023). Preface. Muslim Education Review, 2(1), 1-5.


Welcome to the third publication of MER. As a newly “born” international journal and not yet accredited, we try to attract papers to be published through Writing Competition and Annual Conference. Both of these activities are under the topic of the four concentrations in our study programs: 1) Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, 2) Educational Assessment and Evaluation, 3) Educational Policy, Management, and Leadership, and 4) Education and Society. Our first annual conference (organized on May 30-31, 2022) was under the topic of Education and Society: “Education in the Muslim societies: Addressing critical educational issues during the challenging time”, while our second annual conference (organized on May 30-31, 2023) was under the topic of Education Policy, Management, and Leadership: “Educational policy and management in the Muslim societies: Addressing contemporary issues on administration in education to move forward”. We plan to organize our third annual conference next year, on May 30-31, 2024, under the topic of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning. In addition to the Writing Competition and Annual Conference, we also require all Scholars-in-Residence (SIR) recipients to write one article for MER. In this volume, we have two articles written by the first batch of the SIR program: Abd. Rachman Assegaf from the State Islamic University (UIN Sunan Ampel) Surabaya, and Ummi Kultsum from the State Islamic University (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah) Jakarta.
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